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B-RAD with Brad Toews

Feb 28, 2018

Michael Bernard Beckwith says that "Behind every problem, there's a question trying to ask itself. Behind every question, there's an answer trying to reveal itself. Behind every answer, there's an action trying to take place. And behind every action, there's a way of life trying to be born..."

How does a problem have...

Feb 21, 2018

Why do we put people on pedestals? As a society and as individuals we idolize and elevate certain people. We want to hold them in a higher position, superior to ourselves and others.

Why do we seek a pedestal? And can the pedestal deliver what our fragile sense of self is always hungering for - to be seen, known, and...

Feb 15, 2018

Doors stand as an invitation. Asking us to walk through, into a new space, a new room.

Are you growing too large for the room you're in? Are you feeling confined? Maybe you're really comfortable with the familiarity of this room but you're curious about the door and what's on the other side.

Your feet might be small,...

Feb 7, 2018

No one would argue with the statement that 2+2=4. A simple conversation with an elementary student will confirm this for you. But is it possible that subtraction just might lead to addition? A subtraction of old technologies, actions, and ideas.

We live according to the certainty of calculations. However, at some point...